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Simple & Refreshing Desk Stats

Gimlet helps you easily track statistics at any service desk.

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Gimlet - Add Questions Form

Our Customers

Join hundreds of libraries and organizations who uncover trends and patterns at their service desks using Gimlet.

Over 83,170,743 questions answered.

Product Overview

Gimlet - Add Questions Form

Track Questions

  1. Choose your category values

    Customize the form to record what’s important for you.

  2. Tag questions for quick answers

    Tagging helps discover trends and patterns.

  3. Record full-text of Q&As

    The full-text is stored for search and retrival.

Search Answers

  1. Complete, comprehensive search

    Our intuitive search helps discover answers fast.

  2. Find Q&As by text or tags

    Search the entire question and answer text. Filter to find tagged Q&As.

  3. Search by branch or everything

    Search all of the entries in your knowledge base, or limit things to just one building or desk.

Gimlet - Search
Gimlet - Reports


  1. Charts and graphs

    See trends and patterns for all your categories at a glance.

  2. Dynamic report tables

    Want to see which desks are busiest at different hours of the week? Which staff field the most difficult questions? Our Detail report lets you slice your data any way you want, and sort, highlight the results.

  3. Export data to spreadsheets

    Easily move all your data to enterprise reporting tools like Tableau or spreadsheet tools like Excel or Google Sheets.

Unlimited Use

No limit to the number of staff or computers that can access your Gimlet account. Say goodbye to seat licenses, and hello to all hands on deck.

Cloud Hosted

No local IT staff required. We host Gimlet in the cloud for you. All you need is a web browser. Your IT staff can stay busy doing their other important work.

Safe & Secure

Monitored 24/7 for uptime, performance, and security; data is securely mirrored, encrypted, and backed-up to the cloud.

Your Data is Yours

All of the data you enter into Gimlet belongs to you. We will never resell it. Export everything as XML or CSV anytime you wish.

Our Company

We’re an independent and privately owned, small business partnership.

We pride ourselves in transparent and reasonably priced software for libraries and organizations of all kinds.

When you need help, you talk to directly to us. There are no middlepeople or robots here.

We care because we’ve spent hours on the service desk, too. Gimlet was founded by Eric Larson (a librarian) and Nate Vack (a library web application developer).

Gimlet - Family Picture

Gimlet family photo at Yahara Place Park on Lake Monona.

Try Gimlet for free – get started now!

Turn your organization’s answers into insights easily.

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No credit card or training required. Get started in minutes.

Gimlet · Made in Minnesota and Wisconsin, USA