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Gimlet v2

Coming Soon

The all new Gimlet includes years of product innovations, data-entry, search, and reporting feature improvements, and an incredible new design. It's the best software we've ever written. If you like Gimlet now, prepare to be amazed.

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Updated Design

The G2 user interface is entirely redesigned for performance and style.

Faceted Search

Search and drill down within your knowledge base on any page. Including reports!

Hit Highlights

Keywords within search results are highlighted. See your best hits contextually.

Improved Tagging

Tagging is redesigned to make choices easier and better show how data will entered.

Date Ranges

Search or report by last week, or month, or year. Common ranges are easily entered.

Comparison Reports

See how this month compares to last. See how data is trending between any two ranges.

Q&A Pages

Each entry in Gimlet now has its own URL. Share and copy the link with ease.

Pivot Reports

Build a report from any three facets of data collected within Gimlet.

Admin Improvements

The user interface for administrative work is completely redesigned. Go be productive!

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Gimlet · Made in Minnesota and Wisconsin, USA